BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES OF PROSPERITY By Idoko, Meshach O. These biblical principles of prosperity are available to all, they are effective and work powerfully for every child of God. Knowing these principles and working by them gives you access to your prosperity here on earth. Remember, God did not create you here on earth to suffer. He made everything and set them in place before he brought you forth and gave all of them to you as a man. Genesis 1, 2:7-15. All God created were for our consumption except the tree of life and that of knowledge of good and evil which he commanded the man not to eat and when man fell, the Devil took over the god of the earth, controlling all the things we were supposed to control. Luke 4:5-8, 2 Corinthians 4:4 But praise be to God for Jesus who has collected and given us back authority to take back everything that is rightfully ours. So listen, salvation does not make you naked nor does it make you shoeless, salvation gives you back what ...