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Showing posts from August, 2018
CITIZENS OF ZION wants to specially welcome you all to the month of September, the Month of our delivery. We encourage you to remain in your walk with God and we want to also invite you to join us today 1st - 3rd September, 2018 for our CITIZENS OF ZION INTERCESSION WEEK. It is a call to stand in the gap for our nations. GOD BLESS YOU.
THE PRIESTHOOD OF JESUS CHRIST Indeed we have a High Priest that knows what we are going through, He understands entirely the human plight (Hebrews 2:17,4:15)


BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES OF PROSPERITY By Idoko, Meshach O. These biblical principles of prosperity are available to all, they are effective and work powerfully for every child of God. Knowing these principles and working by them gives you access to your prosperity here on earth. Remember, God did not create you here on earth to suffer. He made everything and set them in place before he brought you forth and gave all of them to you as a man. Genesis 1, 2:7-15. All God created were for our consumption except the tree of life and that of knowledge of good and evil which he commanded the man not to eat and when man fell, the Devil took over the god of the earth, controlling all the things we were supposed to control. Luke 4:5-8, 2 Corinthians 4:4 But praise be to God for Jesus who has collected and given us back authority to take back everything that is rightfully ours. So listen, salvation does not make you naked nor does it make you shoeless, salvation gives you back what ...


THE CHURCH We have heard the word, we have seen it and we are part of it. Many people say the church started from Antioch, some say it started with the disciples but this write-up will open your eyes to a new truth. The word "Church" was first mentioned in the new testament by Jesus in Matthew 16:18 "...i will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." Jesus brought about the idea of the Church, Jesus instituted the Church and Jesus forms the part of the Church. This might be strange to you. But thank God you are seeing it now. Jesus is the head of the Church, the Church forms the body of Christ. This means there is no church without Jesus. (Ephesians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 12:27) Jesus, in Matthew 16:18-19 was already trying to prepare the heart of the disciples for fellowship (meeting together as brethren). He assured them that everything they say in agreement is recognized in heaven and that He is with them (Matthew 18:18-20) Jesus...
Good morning viewers. I want to specially welcome you all to Citizens of Zion. A Christian organization created to raise citizens of heaven and to restore men’s fellowship with God. So many people ask questions like WHO IS GOD? WHO AM I? WHAT AM I HERE ON EARTH FOR? WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A CHRISTIAN? HOW CAN I FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD? All these questions and many more will be discussed vividly in this page. You are just in the right place at the right time. I want to encourage you to take your time go through all the posts, read, watch, listen and meditate over them. They are God’s words to you. I can assure you that your life will never remain the same again and that your fellowship with God will take a new lift. Remember DEEP CALLS TO DEEP, Your fellowship with God is in stages and as you remain committed and faithful the Lord will take you deeper and deeper. Beloved, all I want from you is to give God your time, show him how much you love him because he loves you and I assured you ...