The word Shrewd means having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute. It refers to being clever, or in our local parlance we can say "sharp guy".
In the context of this parable, this manager was a "sharp guy" even though he was dishonest.
The lesson about this parable is not that Jesus wants us to be dishonest. No! He doesn't want us to take advantage of people falsely. These are characters associated with people of the world just like the manager in this parable of Jesus.
The main lesson I believe Jesus wants us to learn is the fact that the manager was foresighted. He thought about his future immediately he got to know he would be kicked out of his position. He found a way for himself and this was just what the master commended and nothing more.
The reason Jesus brought this story is to put in our hearts the need for us to prepare ourselves for our future so that when we are no more on this earth and enjoying its benefits again, we would have in store already for ourselves treasures in heaven that we can enjoy life after now. I believe this is what Jesus wants us to learn from this shrewd manager and not his dishonesty.
Knowing that you will not last forever on this earth, wisdom demands that you prepare yourself, you build treasure for yourself in the other life to come, build an eternal home for yourself so that when you are kicked out of this earth you will not be left homeless. You will have a spiritual home for yourself with your Father in heaven.
A Giveaway I have for you having read till this point- I want you to know and take this seriously: The acid test for anything God will give you in the next life will be determined on how you treat everything he has given to you in this life. Be guided!
As believers, we have this confidence that by believing in Jesus Christ we have secured a place already in heaven and we build or store treasures for ourselves by acting according to the precepts of God.
If you are reading this and you haven't confessed Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and haven't believed that Jesus died and God has raised Him from the dead then do this now! This is the only way you can be saved. Call upon him and you will be saved. God bless you.
If you desire a one on one mentoring session with me you can call me using this number +2348094292969
Yours in Christ
Idoko, Meshach Ojonoma (TCB)
Servant of the Word
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