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God's Love For Israel

 I now see why God will never divorce his unfaithful wife Israel for another no matter how stubborn and unrepentant they are, no matter his punishment (discipline) and judgment upon them, He always leave a remnant among them (Isaiah 10:20-22). This is because if God wants man never to divorce his wife except in unfaithfulness then he has to show us a perfect example by not divorcing his wife as well. (Ezekiel 16, Hosea 1:2, Matthew 5:31-32, Jeremiah 2:23-3:5,11-15)

Remember, Jesus said even if a man divorces his wife he must remain unmarried otherwise he or the wife if married to another would be committing adultery (Matthew 5:31-32).

God doesn't want to and won't commit adultery, this is against his nature and that's why he can't let go of Israel. Israel is his Bride. This is why God even said He loves them with an everlasting or unfailing love. This is a kind of love that would never change regardless of the attitude of Israel. (Hosea 14:4, Psalm 36:7, Zephaniah 3:17, Jeremiah 31:3)

I bless God because He has given us (the Gentiles) the privilege as well to become Israelites by faith and so when I talk about Israel or when the bible mentions Israel it is not referring to the Israelites by descent alone but also to those of us that are Israelites by faith. (Genesis 12:1-3, Galatians 3:6-14, 6:16, Matthew 21:43, 1 Peter 2:9, Exodus 12:48, Romans 9-11)

What a privilege to be an Israelite! 

What a privilege to be known as God's people!

What a privilege to be loved by God with an unfailing love (Psalm 138:8).

Indeed the LORD is good and His faithful love endures forever (Psalm 117:1-2, 118:1).

Much love from,

Meshach Ojonoma Idoko

Servant of the Word.


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